Dental Cleanings

Cleanings come in one of two categories… regular or periodontal.

Regular cleanings are for most patients who come regularly and have good home care where they’re brushing and flossing daily.

Periodontal cleanings are when there is buildup of hardened material around the teeth and gums that causes inflammation and then bone loss.

We are able to perform both types of cleanings at our offices by one of our skilled dental hygienists.

Our recommendations for home care are as follows:

  • Brush your teeth twice daily and floss at least once daily.
  • Brushing is best in our opinion with a fluoride containing ADA approved toothpaste.
  • Flossing is best accomplished with whatever floss you will regularly use!
  • Brushing should take two minutes from beginning to end.
  • Flossing is not what you do when you get that chunk of chicken out from between two teeth! It’s done by pushing the floss between two teeth and then while pulling towards the front of the mouth run the floss up and down to burnish that tooth’s surface. Then push it towards the back of the mouth while running the floss up and down again to burnish that tooth’s surface as well.
  • Finally… use a fluoride-containing mouthwash and don’t forget to brush your tongue!

If ALL of our patients brushed and flossed as we said we would likely go out of business, yet we want everyone to have excellent home care!